22 June 2010

Budget 2010

I guess you reap what you sow. Or in this case, vote for.

Bafana Bafana

Just a simple drawing of the lead singer from Bloc Party that I've fooled around with so it starts to resemble something that might look like an illustration.

2 June 2010

Dr Who

I'm starting to find a bit of a niche that is working for me at the moment, which is mainly pencil and watercolour. Maybe it's the way forward, who knows, but I'm going to stick with it for a while. I saw Marco Klefisch's work on the Carhartt ads a while back and thought they were really vivid, striking, awesome.  Anje Jager has a similar style that I love. Thing is, I'm not that great at drawing faces so this drawing of Matt Smith was meant to be a quick attempt that ended up becoming something more. My geekiness has already been exposed earlier on this blog, so my Dr Who thing shouldn't be a surprise either.

Northern boys rock

Having spent part of the weekend fooling around with collages, my floor looks like the alphabet zoo from Sesame Street.

Affectionately referred to as 'the Pout', amongst other things by the majority of my girlfriends, I'm not ashamed to declare my thing for Keira. She looks stunning in this photo.