15 March 2011

Two for one

In the meantime I've been teaching myself Illustrator. More to follow..


Well, the illustration course at CSM was a bit of a car crash.

It was meant to last five Saturdays but in fact barely lasted one. So for the time being I've given up on short courses and enrolled at Shillington College to do their full time (for three months) Graphic Design course from mid April - July.

I've toyed with this before but now it feels right. Yes I still want to be an illustrator, but having had the last couple of months drawing at home I've come to realise I need more structure and depth of knowledge.

Shillington offer a really intensive programme with a number of real life projects (book covers, web design, product packaging et al) where I can utilise illustration and learn a range of important tools and gather experience. Alongside this I've also talked to a couple of illustrators who studied there and been reassured that it's the right move for me.