29 April 2011

Day 23: Arcade Fire

Here's one I made earlier.. a press ad for Time Out, New York for the brilliance that is Arcade Fire.

Day 22: Say WHAT one more time..I double dare you..

I'm away for a few days so will forward post for Saturday and Sunday.

I love this. Old skool for most people possibly but I spent yesterday completing Typography briefs.

Day 21: Oreo anyone..

Dead or Alive anyone? Classic 80's pop, tacky video's. Awesome.

We're still working in black and white at the moment which is good as I get to grips with InDesign. The brief was the lyrics, be creative for a bottom right hand page spot in the Metro - product shot if you can.

Oh and my thumbnail ideas.

28 April 2011

26 April 2011

Day 18: The People who grinned themselves to death..

I can't wait for the Royal wedding. Like, seriously can't wait so I'm blogging this today.

Love this for so many reasons. Simple design and funny. Of course these are the luxury versions. Well, you'd have to, wouldn't you.

23 April 2011

Day 15: Houses

Day 14: Oopps Infographic

Everything has a consequence, so the 'let's have a cheeky one' with the design course crew ended up in my missing posting on Friday. So this is the first of two today as a way of catch up.

19 April 2011

Day 12: Here's one I made earlier..

The course is excellent. Well structured and informative even if it's only the second day. Today's been about Indesign. Here's my first ever press ad. Tomorrow it's type-type-o-graphy.

17 April 2011

Day 10: Vinyl exchange

Day 9: Wemberleeee

As FA Cup semi finals against that lot from the Death Star go this was a bit special. Last time I watched City at Wembley was in 1986. We lost 5-4 to Chelsea in the Full Members Cup, a inglorious competition that no one remembers. With five minutes to go we were losing 5-1, so the final result tells you everything you need to know about being a City fan. It's not the despair, I can cope with that..it's the hope that kills me.

Is this the start of something? Let's freaking well hope so. "Yaya, Yaya, Yaya, Yaya Tooooure" scores the winner. The team and Mancini 'do the Poznan'. Days don't really get much better.

Unless of course you have your first cup final since 1981 around the corner..

12 April 2011

Day 5: First Orbit

It's fifty years since Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space. First Orbit tracks his space flight as it happened 50 years ago. It's an amazing real time recreation, shot entirely in space on board the International Space Station.

When did we stop being explorers?

10 April 2011

Day 3: Sunshiiine

Sunday sunshiiiine, as we say up north. Sweet.

8 April 2011

Day 1: All my words are stars

50 days, 50 blogs

Just to make things interesting I've decided to blog (a drawing, sketch, photo, video) at least once every day for the next fifty days.

It's a random number and everything is up for grabs. If anyone wants to make a suggestion for an idea, fire away..