20 May 2011

Day 36: King of Limbs

Check out the King of Limbs Newspaper showcasing Stanley Donwood's artwork. Just awesome.

Now if the exhibition I went to the other month had looked half as great as this...

15 May 2011

Day 35: Come with me let's be..

I think I'm gonna use this as my day to day philosophy...

Day 34: Normal service will continue..however..

Once again I've missed a couple of blog days. I've just been so busy with the course. As such I've decided to temporarily stop trying to blog every day for fifty days on the bounce.

The pace of the course has stepped up in the last week. It's too important to me and I need the time in the evening to really study and practice what I'm learning in the day.

I'll carry on blogging until I get to the 50 but it's not going to be every single day.

10 May 2011

Day 32: Cool Girl

Thirty Two days on the bounce. Eighteen to go. Almost there. It's been a struggle but fun to try and get something worthwhile to post here each day. Have to admit, there's been a couple of things from my sketchbook. This is one of them..

9 May 2011

Day 31: Captain America

I heard something about Marvel Comics being fifty years old on the tube. 

8 May 2011

Day 30: Bridget Riley

There's a free exhibition of Bridget Riley on at the National Gallery. I saw it today and it begs the question..is art there just to be enjoyed on a visual, emotional level or create debate. I think it's role is to fulfil both in whatever way works for you.  

The exhibition is more an introduction to Riley's work and having been introduced I'm not sure I'd pay to see more. There were a couple of paintings that I enjoyed, but it was purely visual. She certainly didn't rock my boat on an emotional level like Edward Hopper, Pablo Picasso or Mark Rothko

In fact I think I agree with Will Self's take on her art. 

7 May 2011

Day 29: E=MC2

You just can't keep a good man down. Looks like Einstein was right after all. 

6 May 2011

Day 28: Tiger balm..

The side effects of using too much Tiger Balm made Paul realise the error of his ways..

5 May 2011

4 May 2011

Day 26: Theatre Brief

We spent most of today (when not getting a lecture on Colour Theory) working on these typography briefs. The aim was to create a 'family' of typography posters for an Oz theatre company.

I think I got these critiqued three times in all as I worked though various ideas and options. As we all did. These are my 'final' versions. The last two weeks of the course are set aside for us to revisit these briefs, select a few and re-work them for our portfolios. 

Tomorrow I will mostly be...working on my first 'colour' brief. 

3 May 2011

Day 25: Vote Yes..

The electoral reform issue is back with us this week. My distaste for the weakness showed by the Com-Dem-Nation coalition continues to grow. Every day is another example of why we need a fairer, more equitable method of making sure our vote counts.

Canada woke up yesterday to a conservative government with 39 percent of the vote making promises not to follow a right wing agenda. Heard that one before?

Jonathan Freedland nails it here and if you haven't figured it yet, I'll be voting Yes to AV.