2 August 2011

Day 50: Full Circle

So here we are. Fifty days, fifty blogs, even if it's taken a little longer than I envisioned. This is the final version of my book cover. You can see the original one here.

I said back in March 2010 when I started this blog that "the end always has a start" and it still holds true. Having said that I never really thought I'd be here in such a short space of time, but starting to blog was one of the key creative kicks I needed. I'm a blogger disciple in that respect. You should all give it a go if you have the need to say something. It's really rewarding, honest!

It's been a lot of fun and it doesn't stop here. But for the moment, if you haven't already then why not wander along and see my design portfolio.

Day 49: Monkee looks happy

Just a few random shots from a wander around Spitelfields looking for inspiration for the fashion brief we did towards the end of the college course.

Day 48: Tweet Up Goodie Bag

And the sun shone. Behold the goodie bag from the #crtateup. It's a sock puppet in the making..