21 October 2010

Illustration Class 101

Here's an illustration I've been working on as apart of the CSM course. It's from a newspaper article (last Saturday's individual project) about how eating fruit, mainly apples, and studying helps fight off dementia. Then it's a case of taking our ideas, drawings, scanning them, create various backgrounds, and use layers within Photoshop to get the finished illustration. This is my take. 

The first is my rough idea sketch (the one I had to get initially approved as you would with a newspaper) and the second is where I'm currently at in Photoshop. I need to add the extra drawn scans for the speech bubble and apple = 2+2 and work on them. But I'm happy with the progress. Working in layers and having the ability to change, adapt an idea is making my ideas/illustrations more three dimensional.

I'm also really enjoying the course. My drawing/painting style is definitely working for me. The guest illustrators are inspiring, offering advice and real life illustration work. Exactly what I was hoping to get out of the course. It's also cool to be in a space with other wanna-be-illustrators, seeing their style and sharing ideas. Sounds a bit wanky I know, but there you go. Next step is to look at getting a scanner.

15 October 2010

Illustration Friday: Transportation

This is how I spent my half hour lunch break today. More fun than working.

14 October 2010

Thailand sketchbook

Just a couple of small quick sketches from Thailand. The first one is the view from the Tonsai bungalow in semi darkness during a mini monsoon. The second is from the beach.

11 October 2010

Thailand Chang

Time flies when you're the driver of a train. So three weeks chilling in gorgeous Thailand with the Chang gang is..so..like yesterday.

Still, important things to note. Bangkok is full on crazy wild, especially the side streets and the food markets; suits are easy to buy down the Khao San Road; Tut tut taxi's are hilarious even when they dump you in the middle of nowhere on your first day; also they have three wheels, so going round corners at 2am on two is interesting; never stop to pick anyone up in the jungle; iPhones don't cope so well with monsoons; riding a scooter can easily make you think you are Paul Weller; falling off said scooter quickly dispels this myth; ping pong balls won't look the same again; neither will the phrase "all around the world"; wandering from beach to beach; snorkelling with the fishes; sitting in warm seas at 3am with mates; watching the sunset..again; street chang, beach, train, scooter, ping pong, pool chang is the name of the game. Hook it up!