30 April 2012

Never Let Me Go

One of the reasons behind my quietness has been that I've been busy updating my portfolio. The ability to add 'realtime' projects such as the EMpower annual report I worked on whilst at OceanBarefoot has strengthened it. Alongside these my editorial magazine has been completely redeveloped and the property development now show a project that stretches across both print and web.

One result of sitting down to plan how to update it and challenge myself is that I've decided longterm that I'd love to try and get into book design. Designing a book cover at college allowed me to use my illustration skills, something I need to develop more. Anyway, whilst reworking things I illustrated and redesigned 'Never Let Me Go', another fave book. If you've read it you'll know the story.

The next step is pulling a portfolio of book covers together. So I've set myself the task of redesigning five books taken from the Orange Book Prize over the next couple of months. As you do.

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