21 May 2010

Day 5: Delays expected on..

It’s been just over a week and I’m still not quite sure if I should be gutted that despite my best efforts, there’s a coalition government with a Tory PM or happy that Labour didn’t get completely mashed at the polls. Common sense tells me that a Lab-Lib government didn’t have enough votes to make it work, but a CON-DEM-NATION still leaves me distinctly unfulfilled and disappointed.

I've been annoyed and frustrated with Labour, but there's certain values that I'll always believe in. So unless I vote tatically, I'll be in that side of the box if you ever need to find me. Unfortunately the first actual opportunity to change the system and get real electoral reform, is I think, dead in the water. My only hope is that Labour under a new leader brings it to the table with some imagination rather than seeing it as a death bed conversion.

20 May 2010

Day 4: Stop me if you think you've heard this one before

Okay so I stretched the idea of a Post-it a little today. Online dating is the new way of finding someone. Love it or loathe it’s out there. Every time you join up or place your details you open yourself up. Share information about yourself, your personailty. What your favourite colour is, what you like to do at the weekend, which movie you want to share with someone. All your likes and dislikes. In it's basic form you leave pieces of yourself out in the ether. On the keyboard. Online. A fingerprint. It’s as simple as that.

19 May 2010

Day 3: Mix Tape

Side A:

1. Take Me I'm Yours - New Young Pony Club

2. Kiss of Life - Friendly Fires

3. Revelry - Kings Of Leon

4. Ready For The Floor - Hot Chip

5. Only If You Run - Julian Plenti

Side B:

1. Black Cherry - Goldfrapp

2. A New England - Jamie T

3. Things Ain't Like They Used To Be- The Black Keys

4. All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem

5. The Cave - Mumford & Sons

Bonus Extra Track:

2 Atoms In A Molecule - Noah and The Whale

18 May 2010

Day 2: The Angels wanna wear my red shoes

There’s something about red shoes, but that could be because it's one of my fave Elvis Costello songs. It's certainly very Dorothy, very Wizard of Oz, and yet, we're-not-in-Kansas anymore. Especially since I was on the Victoria line to Finsbury Park. Anyway, I saw a girl in red shoes on the tube yesterday, dressed all in black but with her clickable heels to keep her happy. It made me smile. Of course you have to nick them off the Wicked Witch of the East first.

17 May 2010

Day 1: The Clark Kent look

There’s something about life that involves looking but not actually seeing. Every day brings its own "constants" that you become attuned to, ignorant or just plain forgetful off. In the same way I noticed over the weekend how my face has altered and changed. Subtle lines are no longer, well subtle. I've got used to seeing it on a daily basis.
Glasses are my big thing; I just don’t like wearing them. Never have really. They tend to make me feel a bit geeky, not in itself a bad thing because at times I’m definitely a geek. Glasses wear me rather than the other way around. Anyways, for the next few days my glasses and I are as one, hence the introspection. The thing is..they make me feel thirteen again. 1981, Ashes to Ashes style. If I had to choose a year to go back too, well, it wouldn’t be that one. They also make me act differently. Without my contacts, I tend to be more introvert, nervous, shy. It’s like everyone is looking at me, my very own Truman show.

And yet, on the super plus side they seem to be the Superhero disguise of choice. Peter Parker = Spiderman. Superman = Clark Kent. Anyway, this is my Superhero moment.

Post-it heaven

My place is a bit of a mess at the moment. It’s littered with half finished sketches and ideas written on bits of paper. Not a bad thing if truth be told. At least it shows I'm working on being creative. Think I’ve been trying to rush everything in my eagerness to get to the finish line as soon as possible. Still, I’m learning to be patient, and to take things at a steady pace. It's not easy, but the simple fact is that I'm making time to do the things I want. With that in mind, I've decided to do some small, quick and easy projects, and post-it heaven is just the first.

It’s as simple as this: five days, five different ideas, each posted as my facebook profile and here, each the size of a post-it. I know, living life on the edge eh? So anything that jogs a memory, happens that day or smacks-me-in-the-face is in. Simples.