21 May 2010

Day 5: Delays expected on..

It’s been just over a week and I’m still not quite sure if I should be gutted that despite my best efforts, there’s a coalition government with a Tory PM or happy that Labour didn’t get completely mashed at the polls. Common sense tells me that a Lab-Lib government didn’t have enough votes to make it work, but a CON-DEM-NATION still leaves me distinctly unfulfilled and disappointed.

I've been annoyed and frustrated with Labour, but there's certain values that I'll always believe in. So unless I vote tatically, I'll be in that side of the box if you ever need to find me. Unfortunately the first actual opportunity to change the system and get real electoral reform, is I think, dead in the water. My only hope is that Labour under a new leader brings it to the table with some imagination rather than seeing it as a death bed conversion.

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