17 May 2010

Post-it heaven

My place is a bit of a mess at the moment. It’s littered with half finished sketches and ideas written on bits of paper. Not a bad thing if truth be told. At least it shows I'm working on being creative. Think I’ve been trying to rush everything in my eagerness to get to the finish line as soon as possible. Still, I’m learning to be patient, and to take things at a steady pace. It's not easy, but the simple fact is that I'm making time to do the things I want. With that in mind, I've decided to do some small, quick and easy projects, and post-it heaven is just the first.

It’s as simple as this: five days, five different ideas, each posted as my facebook profile and here, each the size of a post-it. I know, living life on the edge eh? So anything that jogs a memory, happens that day or smacks-me-in-the-face is in. Simples.

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